All are welcome here!

Shining the Light of Jesus in Downtown South Bend

All people are welcome here. Whatever your faith background, no matter who you love, whatever your culture, ethnicity, age, or ability…YOU are welcome here!

  • Free Movie Night! March 29

    Join us Saturday, March 29 for a free all-ages movie night! We’re screening Moana 2. Movie at 6 PM, doors open 5:45 PM. Free popcorn, drinks, and light dinner. Enter through the double glass doors nearest to the corner of Main and Madison and head downstairs.

  • April 12 join us at our Northwest Campus for the annual Easter egg hunt! 9:00-10:30 AM games, balloons, photos with the Easter Bunny! 10:30 AM outdoor egg hunt. Everything is free!

  • First and Northwest UMC is a part of the Reconciling Ministries Network.

    Churches in the Reconciling Ministries Network are committed to intersectional justice across and beyond the United Methodist connection, working for the full participation of all LGBTQ+ people throughout the life and leadership of the Church.

  • Connect

    First and Northwest UMC has a heart to meet you where you are, welcome you in and connect you to God and one another. Check out our ministries, volunteer opportunities, classes and worship services to find just the right place for you to plug in. Join us on Sunday for worship!

  • Downtown Soup Kitchen

    The Downtown Soup Kitchen has welcomed guests and provided them with a delicious, hearty meal for over 30 years.

  • Thanks to a grant from the Indiana Conference of the UMC!

  • Our Lenten series begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5! Click here for our daily devotions or follow us on social media.

  • Worship in person

    Welcome to our historic Sanctuary! With strong preaching, an engaged congregation, our amazing organ, and talented singers, at First and Northwest UMC we mix traditional and new into our own style. We meet every Sunday at 10 AM.

  • Watch Live

    Worship online via Facebook Live or Zoom. Any way you can access the Internet (tablet, computer, cell, or home phone) is a way you can participate in worship services!

  • What to Expect

    The people of First and Northwest UMC come from every walk of life. You will find a kind and passionate congregation that includes singles, older adults, young adults, straight and gay couples, empty nesters, and families with kids of every age. Many are members, and many are regular visitors.

Visit Us

333 N. Main St.
South Bend, IN 46601

Every Sunday at 10 AM

(574) 233-9463
